Friday, September 22, 2006
Happy Birthday to Me
OK, so today isn’t really my birthday, it’s Monday… but since my party is tonight... today FEELS like my birthday. I’m sure I’m going to be showered with bottles of Hennessy! LOL. When I had a party for leaving TRP, by the end of the night, I had 3 bottles of the regular Hennessy and 1 bottle of Hennessy Privileged… Just imagine how many I will have since it’s my birthday! I’m getting excited already!! And my homie Honey-Libra supposed to come through to help me celebrate!

I’ve decided that I’m going to go the Orioles game tomorrow (as long as I’m not too sick to get up!) And after that, I’ll be headed to my brother’s show. He said that it should end about 12AM. That’s too late to try to go to a club (for me anyways cause I likes to party all night long!) So I may hit up a bar later that night.

I’ll have to let you guys know what GTL did for me for Sunday on Tuesday cause as I said before, it’s a surprise. Monday (my actual birthday) I will be chilling, recuperating from the weekend… home, laid up w/ GTL all day. I can’t wait.

A little off my birthday… I got my braids taken out last night. I think I’m so done with dealing with African shops altogether when it comes to getting braids. Feb 2005, I went to a shop to get them done. The lady told me over the phone it would cost $150. When I got there, she tried to up the price on me to like $180 or something. I was like, all I have is $150 cause that’s what you told me. Since I was like I’ll leave and go somewhere else that’ll take the $150, if not less, she took me, but braided the braids as short as possible, I had the braids w/ the burnt ends, so some of MY hair got burnt too. This time, I went to my cousin’s homegirl and they looked like I went to the shop! Well, last night I was supposed to go to shop A to get them taken out. Called on Sunday to see when’s latest I can come in. They were like, just tell us which day and we’ll stay. So I said Thursday. Thursday came and I called early in the day just to make sure, they were like “I don’t know, call back later to find out.” WTF?!?! So I called back at 3 to make sure someone would be there at 4:45 – they said yes. You know when I got there, they were closed? Pissed, is not the word for how I felt. Luckily Shop B was still open and took me. But do you know this bitch tried to charge me $60?? Yeah right! I only paid $100 to get them put in! I was expecting to pay $40 and that’s all I had on me. She was like, “You bring the rest, when we finish?” I said sure. Yeah fucking right!! She knew I wasn’t bringing that money back cause she kept trying to go with me. I was like, I’m not taking you with me cause I don’t know you. You’re not getting in my car! I told her I’d be back in like 5-10 to go to the bank and come back. Then she was like, well my ride is almost here, wait and we can go together… I was like, I’m not waiting! I’ll bring you your money back. I left in the direction of the bank, turned at the corner and took my ass home. Fuck I look like paying $60 for them to take my braids out when I helped her and she had like 10 kids in there that she kept stopping to fuck with? Bitch must think I’m stupid!

Ok, off my soapbox now… I’m ready to party!!!!!!! Have a good weekend, I know I will!
posted by TTD at 9/22/2006 07:48:00 AM | Permalink |


  • At 8:32 AM, Blogger LUVIN ME

    Happy EARLY birthday. I hope the party turns out nice, and you have a great weekend!

  • At 8:38 AM, Blogger Miz JJ

    Happy Pre-Birthday. Have fun and remember to drink lots of water.

  • At 8:41 AM, Blogger Ladynay

    BWHAHAHAHAHAHAH ole girl knew your butt wasn't coming back! hahahahahahaha

    Party hard and throughly enjoy your day!

  • At 9:19 AM, Blogger TTD

    thanks guys :-)

    ladynay - i know she did & i aint care!! lol

  • At 9:52 AM, Blogger Cool AC

    Happy Birthday! (I still gotta figure out what I'm gonna get my momma!) Can't wait to hear how all of it went!

  • At 12:31 PM, Blogger SomeOne

    party did you say party....when and where...

    wait i need to study....tell me anyway...

    *wonders how honey gonna get up on Sat*

    don't hurt nobody...Happy Early BDAY.

  • At 2:17 PM, Blogger NegroPino™

    Happy Birthday Sexy....Make sure u take plenty of pics!!Cuz imma be checking for them come TUesday. When i come there , i got u a drink.....:) hav a good weekend

  • At 4:49 AM, Blogger TrinaBeingTrina

    Happy birthday!

    Question: why do yall go to the shop to have them take out your braids? You know you need to just do it yourself. Sometimes those dam africans (no offense) are a trip.

    Have a good weekend and a great birthday!

  • At 11:09 PM, Blogger Organized Noise

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Remind me to buy you a drink when I'm down there next month.

  • At 8:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Girl you are too funny. I stopped paying the Africans for braids a long time ago. Too much hassle. Hope your birthday was all you wanted it to be.

  • At 8:46 AM, Blogger Ms.Honey

    Happy Birthday!!!!!! I had a blast girlie..I know you had a wonderful rest of the weekend and GTL is a fool LOL...

  • At 3:09 PM, Blogger Grant

    Hippy Bertday. =)

  • At 12:16 AM, Blogger deepnthought

    Happy Birthday

  • At 7:34 AM, Blogger The Stiltwalker

    LMAO at those braids. I was contemplating removing this sew in myself...

  • At 7:43 AM, Blogger 4EverJennayNay

    I'm know I'm real late at this, but happy belated!!!

    And as far as braids go... the whole ordeal is friggin hastle. And I really hate it when they over charge you and then try to ride with you somewhere!!! There was this one place where the chicks would ask you to take them home. And you silly if you think they were givin up gas money!

  • At 4:37 PM, Blogger blkbutterfly

    i remember the days of going to the African shops to get my braids or twists done. always an adventure. from telling me the price is higher because my hair grew w/in two months, to telling me their credit machine wasn't working (i don't carry cash), when in fact it was working. lol... a trip