Friday, July 15, 2005
July 21st Update
As mentioned in an earlier post, my husband is throwing a party at Club One on Thursday, July 21, 2005. If you've been to one of his parties before, you know that you need to be there. For those who haven't, this is a MUST experience!

So here are the details.... Doors open at 10PM and the party lasts until 2AM. Dress: Dress to Impress - no boots, sneakers, plain t-shirts. Admission is $15 unless you know people. And if you're reading this, then you must know someone :o) All you have to do is email myself ( or my husband ( And let one of us know that you need a pass that will give you $5 Admission ALL night long!

Your choice... $15 or $5 to experience one of the hottest parties of the summer! (For all of my fellow alcoholics, that's $10 in your pocket to purchase some drinks!)

Club One is located at 300 E. Saratoga St; Baltimore, MD 21202... directions can be found at

Hope to see you there!!!
posted by TTD at 7/15/2005 01:03:00 PM | Permalink |